Monday, January 25, 2010


A tree standing in the middle of the big green field of Zanarkand.

Wind blowing,
The leaves sway,
Branches spread out,
Feel mother nature's beauty.

I want to be like the tree,
Plant in such freedom,
With all the greens,
There wont be any boresome,
Instead there's gonna be lots of blossoms.

I want to be like the tree,
Can feel mother's nature,
The feel of freedom is not mine to be,
i bet its as sweet as nectar,
I dont want my everyday listening to lectures.

I want to be like the tree,
They seem to always grow with each other,
In reality which is the truth,
I cant find the meaning of "each other"
Like no one even bother.

Wind blowing,
The leaves sway,
Branches spread out,
Feel mother nature's beauty.
That's the way of the tree,
And one day i hope i can be like the tree.


Anonymous said...

seems like the only tree growing in an isolation.reading thro seems like running against the wall. just cheer .thats it, thats life. too short to ...... you are not alone.

Dick said...

u r? u understand me..i lik u...lolz